“Business Development” For Salespeople & Managers


Get to class today so you can start selling more tomorrow!

How many more units could you sell if you had twice as much floor traffic?

Better yet - what if they all asked for you and what if 50% of the extra traffic bought on the spot?

The biggest gains in your career will come from learning how to develop your own business.

Sales Calls - Internet Leads - Follow Up - Prospecting

Double Your Floor Traffic - Close 50% - Raise The Gross 40%

Program Goals: Implement a more effective business development process for each salesperson and the dealership.

"I don’t like follow up or prospecting." So what - that isn’t even the question! The only question is do you want to stay on the "hope plan" and just hope your dealer can buy you some extra floor traffic so you can sell 10 units - or - do you want to double your sales and income within 90 days to 6 months and keep it there?

In our management classes we talk about the difference between Market Driven dealerships and Management Driven dealerships. In the sales classes we talk about the difference between being Market or Self-Management Driven as a salesperson.

What does that mean? Right now the example of how almost every dealership in the country had allowed themselves to become "Market Dependent" is obvious. The market crashed, dealers panicked, cut staff and cut expenses just to stay afloat and we have vacant dealerships in almost every community across North America. The same is true with almost every salesperson: when the market was great, they didn’t bother to develop their phone, follow up or prospecting skills - why bother, there were people all over the lot. Now most salespeople are struggling just to sell 8 or 10 units.

The biggest difference between most good salespeople (15-20 units) and those 30, 40 and 50 car guys we work with are their business development skills. Even during the worst part of last year, the highest achievers held their own in almost every case. They protected themselves by developing their Phone, Internet, Prospecting and Follow Up skills, by implementing our business development process, and by building a solid customer base they could rely on in any market condition.

A Dozen Advanced Closing & Objection Handling Methods

In "How To Sell A Car & Close The Sale Today", your salespeople learned the most effective methods to close the sale and get the firmest of commitments to own it right now with 75% of your prospects.

In this course, we'll teach them how to close the sale with those tougher customers and those tougher objections.

Why It Makes Sense To Improve Your Business Development Skills

  • The different types of buyers you deal with and their closing ratios
  • Why the gross profit is 40% higher on four of the five buyer types
  • How you can easily put 4 to 6 appointments on the board each day
  • Why developing your business means you make more money with less effort

Follow Up With Un-Sold Prospects (Phone, Mail, E-mail, Texting)

The people who just left without buying are your hottest prospects for a sale tomorrow. Why? Because 33% of the people who leave will come back if you follow up correctly, and when they do come back, 67% buy on the spot.

What does that mean to a typical salesperson or to the average dealership that doesn’t do much follow up? Do the math - it means you could easily increase your sales up to 67% overnight by developing your skills and by implementing my processes to follow up your unsold prospects.

Incoming Sales Calls

The average 100 unit dealership has a 20% closing ratio, which means they have 500 people on the lot each month that they had a chance to sell. Since most dealerships don’t track how many incoming sales calls they get each month, just take the total dealership sales and multiply by 1.5. Depending on their marketing, that means the 100-unit dealership gets about 150 incoming sales calls each month.

90% buy! Incoming sales callers are almost your hottest prospects. The people who go to the trouble to call a dealership to ask about a specific vehicle are very serious and 90% buy within a week. That’s 135 of those 150 callers, but the average dealership will only deliver about 4% of those incoming sales calls. That’s only 6 deliveries per month, and 129 lost sales every month.

If you’re personally taking 20 of those calls each month and selling just 1 or 2 units, you’re missing 16 potential sales you could be making if you just had the skills to turn that call into an appointment that actually shows up on the lot.

Prospecting By Phone & In Person

How long does a 5-minute prospecting call take? Exactly - about 5 minutes, or about the same time it takes to walk to the coffee machine and back.

The average salesperson has 6 hours of down time for every 9 hour day in the dealership. That means you have plenty of time to start bringing in people who ask for you. The best part, when they do come in, they buy 50% of the time and they pay you 40% more in gross profit.

We’ll teach you the quickest, easiest and most effective process ever you can use to prospect in your service drive and by phone, and to double your sales.

Internet Leads (All Types)

The stats on these are all across the board because there are so many different types of leads dealers get each month. From the leads they buy, to the leads from the manufacturer and their own websites though - one thing is clear: most of these are serious buyers. We’ll show you how to put the right process in place to turn more Internet Leads into appointments that show up on your lot.

Customer Retention

Retention is a process, not a ‘Thank You’ note you send after you deliver a unit. The value of customer retention is unlimited. Retention means you have traffic every day asking for you, and retention means you grow every year. So retention means you control your future in sales.

We’ll teach you my retention process and show you how to retain 50% more of your customers than even the best salespeople are able to retain now.

This is the game-changing course for your career in sales!


Contact Us for a special consultation of Joe's Closing Workshop.

Sales Workshop testimonials

See what some of our customers have to say about our workshops
“From 15 units a month to 21 – a 28% increase.”

I was averaging 15 units and the month after returning from class I increased my units to 21 (a 28% increase). We processed 38 Internet leads, set 10 appointments (26%) and sold 9 units (90% ). We took 50 incoming calls, set 20 appointments (40%) and sold 12 (60%). I attribute my success to your class which taught me how to set more appointments. Thanks, Joe.

Angelique Morales, Internet Salesperson, Rogers, AR

Read More Results Like These

“My average is now 14 and no more mini deals. Thanks for the best 2 days in my selling career!”

Joe, I was fresh out of the military prior to the car business and one month on the sales floor before attending your workshop. Being in the military, it was all about training for everything we did. We drilled and trained a whole lot and practiced the same way every time. That is what I was missing, a solid plan on how to get the customer from ‘hello' on the lot to ‘I will take it!' I sold 6 cars the month before your workshop. When I got back, the first thing I did was to practice the 3 types of questions with a major focus on the Yes questions (to confirm the benefits I covered), then I downloaded a counter to my phone. In class we learned that if you can get 45 yes responses from customers, mostly about benefits they care about, we'd have a 75% closing ratio, so I challenged myself to get at a minimum of 45 yeses in 45 minutes with every customer. I did just that - I got 45 yeses with all of them and with one customer I got as high as 73, and yes they did buy and yes, I made a lot of money! Joe, your New Basics Process was exactly what I needed, it's a clear plan to victory! That month I sold 17 units and my current average is now 14 and no more mini deals. My customers love me and helping customers find the right vehicle has never been easier. Thanks for the best 2 days in my selling career!

Douglas Murray, Salesperson, Plymouth, Mass

Read More Results Like These

“I just had my best month ever!”

Joe - I'd been a service technician for the past 2 years. As a tech, my tools were everything to me because having the right tools for the job made my work much easier and more profitable for the dealership. I have been selling cars a quick 6 months. I was selling about 6 a month, but I knew there was so much more out there for me if I just had the right tools. After attending your workshop, I realized my words are my tools, so I upgraded my selling tool box with the right words in sales, and with your New Basics I have a clear, easy to follow plan for success with every customer. I slowed down, I stay off price now to build more value, and I get as many yeses (to confirm the benefits) as I can. The changes I've made since your class have been incredible. I just had my best month ever, I sold 15 cars, tripled my earnings and my customers love me! My goal now is to double my earnings from when I was a tech, and thanks to your program, I'm off to a great start!

Nick Nolan, Salesperson, Lititz, PA

Read More Results Like These

“My first month back I sold 16 units!”

Before your class, I was averaging 9 units a month. After class I started really utilizing the phones on a daily basis and concentrated on becoming friends with them. My first month back I sold 16 units, and now after I sell a car to a customer they feel like they have become part of our family and not just another unit on the board. Thank you Joe, for opening my eyes to a new way of selling!

Tom Cahill, Salesperson, Campbell River, B.C

Read More Results Like These


Could you sell more if you had more traffic or solid appointments booked each day? You'll learn the secret to selling more cars and putting more net profit on the board is learning how to build your own floor traffic - which is exactly what Joe's Internet & Phone Leads Workshop is all about...Get to class now!



Lose that constant reliance on ad-driven floor traffic when you develop effective internet & phone skills to sell, prospect and retain more customers. Send a message, call or email us today!