Joe Verde's Online Sales Training = Great Results Like These...
We’re up 80 units over last year, and our gross is up 26.5% after I attended Joe’s Team Leadership workshop.
"After the class, I came back with a real plan to change not only myself as a manager, but my dealership, as well. We immediately implemented tracking - for the store and for each individual salesperson. Understanding and using their current (90 day) average has kept the team always moving northeast (upward) by setting their activities goals. I also quickly realized the value of group led training, and started training my team on JVTN® two times a week, as a group. I did daily one on ones with them, and daily coaching as well, to help them improve. Now I’m doing skill set reviews with them, and most recently we have been really focusing on the 12 action closes, to 'strive for 5'. And I made early management introduction, and or involvement if necessary, a priority with every deal, and it’s been very effective. My store is up year-to-date 80 units over last year, which is a 26.5% increase, and we doubled our gross. Really looking forward to attending this same workshop 10 months from now, because we have just scratched the surface of all the different areas we discussed, to make myself and my dealership better. Thanks, Joe!" Roman Spriggs, General Sales Manager, All Things Automotive, Mc Connellsburg, PAMy 2nd month in the car business, and I sold 18, with your training.
"I was new to the car business when I attended your How To Sell A Car Today workshop, and they were my best 2 days ever! After that, I started taking your training online. We train as a group with our managers, and cover 4 chapters a week on JVTN®. Having JVTN® as tool to go over what we covered in those 2 days of class, really enabled me to understand and learn the information that much quicker. I practiced and re re-read my workbook, working on the questions, building value and getting better at investigating to find their wants and needs. I sold 12 in my first month, and just sold 18 last month, and was tied for the top spot in my dealership. My daily goal is to learn as much as I can about selling, the inventory and working with my customers. Thanks for putting together a great program, that truly is 8 steps to Victory in the car business." Carmelo Ramos, Salesperson, Fred Beans Acura of Abington, Jenkintown, PAWe’re up 80 units over last year, and our gross is up 26.5% after I attended Joe’s Team Leadership workshop.
"After the class, I came back with a real plan to change not only myself as a manager, but my dealership, as well. We immediately implemented tracking - for the store and for each individual salesperson. Understanding and using their current (90 day) average has kept the team always moving northeast (upward) by setting their activities goals. I also quickly realized the value of group led training, and started training my team on JVTN® two times a week, as a group. I did daily one on ones with them, and daily coaching as well, to help them improve. Now I’m doing skill set reviews with them, and most recently we have been really focusing on the 12 action closes, to 'strive for 5'. And I made early management introduction, and or involvement if necessary, a priority with every deal, and it’s been very effective. My store is up year-to-date 80 units over last year, which is a 26.5% increase, and we doubled our gross. Really looking forward to attending this same workshop 10 months from now, because we have just scratched the surface of all the different areas we discussed, to make myself and my dealership better. Thanks, Joe!" Roman Spriggs, General Sales Manager, All Things Automotive, Mc Connellsburg, PAI doubled my gross in less than a month!
"My name is Dakota Davidson and I've been selling cars since February. Less than a month ago, we got started on JVTN® and my manager said we are following the Joe Verde Action Plan, with no exceptions. We have been doing group training led by our management team, and it's been the most productive 30 minutes I have ever experienced. We are taking the chapters together, practicing together, learning and growing together. My biggest take away #1 is that they've got to like you. # 2 is that I've got to slow down and build more value. #3 - I've got to ask more and better questions to find their hot buttons, and I need to take good notes. My gross has doubled since starting your training less than a month ago and I just delivered a car with my highest gross ever! I just followed everything we discussed and did it. With over 600 chapters on JVTN® to train on, 2024 is going to be a record breaker! Thanks, Joe!" Dakota Davidson, Salesperson, Blaise Alexander Buick GMC, Hazleton, PAFrom 7 to 15 with JVTN®!
"We started on JVTN® with group training, multiple times per week. We took the online training together, practiced together, and took the quiz together led by my managers. This has had such a dramatic effect on our dealership as a whole, and to myself as well. Before starting the training, I was selling 4, then 7, then 7. After we trained, the next month I sold 15 and doubled my sales!!! I just completed the 'Handling Price' course, and have been training daily on my own. I caught on real quick that the more chapters I took and practiced - the better I was getting. I really focused on your 8 step sales process, and following it with every customer, every time, and it worked. I look forward to continuing to train daily, and to keep moving my average up and up. Thanks, Joe!" Joseph Hughes, Salesperson, Blaise Alexander Buick GMC, Hazleton Township, PAFrom 12 to 20 after JVTN® and your workshop!
"I was so lucky to get access to JVTN® and had finished the 'Fast Start' and 'How To Sell More Cars' and then I went to your Sales Workshop, all within the last 3 months. I sold 11 in December, and then the class was at the end of January, and I sold 12. Then in February, I was able to implement what we learned and had my best month ever at 20 units, and I almost doubled my gross! We do group training 3 times a week led by our management team. We practice and get better with every meeting. And I love having JVTN, because I can train daily from almost from anywhere. The workshop really brought everything together for me and my favorite part was the 'How to Follow Up', which is really how to stay connected with my customers using your 45/90 process. After the workshop, I built myself an evidence manual and drafted an 'E-newsletter' to my current customer base and orphan owners, and I backed that up with a call, as well. As you can see, it worked … 20 sold with great gross! Thanks, Joe!" Michelle Kishbaugh, Salesperson, Blaise Alexander Buick GMC, Hazleton Township, PAI sold 7 cars in the last 5 days of the month.
"Joe, I've been in sales 3 years, and can't thank my dealership enough for getting us on JVTN® and sending me to your Sales Workshop. We just started on JVTN® and have been doing group training following your Training Action Plan. We finished the 'Fast Start' course first, and were working on practicing our questions, the greeting, and bypassing price and my confidence had never been higher - until I went through your Sales Workshop. The workshop was the icing on an already super deluxe cake. Being with a Joe Verde trainer for two days really brought everything together for me, and I came back super energized. The workshop was over on the 23rd, and I sold 7 more after the workshop, including a hat trick on Saturday! Now I really understand they are all buyers, and they're here to buy from me, right now!" Charlotte Pangelinan, Salesperson, Blaise Alexander Buick GMC, Hazleton Township, PAWith your "Fast Start for RVs" course on JVTN® we sold 10 more units at the RV show than last year with great gross!
"We started on JVTN® at the beginning of January to prepare our team for the big spring RV show. We did group training 3 days a week, and completed your course, 'Fast Start for RV Sales', and my team became much more confident when they're working with our customers. We learned to ask more and better questions, focus less on price, build more value, and we learned how to keep the sale on track from the beginning to the delivery. We sold 20 last year, and just wrapped up our RV show this year, and after your training online we sold 32 units with 'great gross'! Thanks for a great online course that teaches a strong and effective process that anyone can recognize, duplicate and master to sell more units. We love our customers, and they love us - and as we all know, happy customers pay the most." Alexis Skaggs, General Manager, Skaggs RV, Corbin, KYI had my best month ever with JVTN®!
"I've been in sales for 5 months, and in December '23, I sold 8 which was my best month. After training on JVTN® and with the coaching, I sold 13 in January '24, for my new best month ever, and I'm a lot more comfortable now. The coaching with Joe Jr. and your other coaches helped me practice each part of the sale from the greeting, rapport, questions, closing and learning to handle objections. I wanted to do better, I just didn't know how. Thank you, Joe!" Naghy Valizadeh, Salesperson, Gorrud's Auto, Milton, ON (Milton Toyota JVTN)I made $10,000 my first month, and have increased it every month since!
"Joe - thanks for the best career change ever. If I had known what I know now, I would have made the switch 14 years ago. I started selling cars 4 months ago, and now I have a 20.16 current average. And I'm more than halfway to my first 6 figure year. I am #1 in gross profit and tied for the top spot in units. We have JVTN® and I have been training on it nearly every day. I love the energy, excitement and enthusiasm your trainers exude on every chapter and course. It's the perfect start to my day - to believe I am going to sell a car today and every day! And I love the fact that your 8 step sales process works all the time. It's so simple - just follow your process and then get the check! I still remember the first time I used your Sold Line Close; I made $2,300 on that deal, and have been a believer ever since. No one leaves without 'parking it in the sold line'. I am having more fun than ever, and I love coming to work. I love my customers, and they love working with me!" Justin Checkelsky, Salesperson, Serpentini Chevrolet of Medina, OHFrom 12 to 20 with great gross!
"I went from working at Amazon, to doubling my income my 1st year in the car business, to doubling my 2nd year - and I'm on track for an even better year this year. I was so lucky to start at Lindsay Buick GMC. They have such a great management team and training program. From my first day, I started on JVTN® with your Fast Start and then I went through the Core 4 Skills. I practiced the basics, bypassing price and closing every day and it all started to come together. My first year, I was averaging 12 a month with good gross. In my 2nd year, my 90-day average is now up to 20 with great gross. I keep training, practicing and working to develop my skills every day. Thanks for a great training program that really works!" Jermaine Hylton, Salesperson, Lindsay Buick GMC, Warrenton, VirginiaWith JVTN® I'm on track to double my best month!
"I've learned more in the last 45 days with JVTN® online training, than in the last 17 years from all the training I've had in the car business. I had been a sales manager at another store and had used other trainings, but never found them to be very helpful. With Joe Verde's easy to follow selling process, I am keeping the customers more engaged with questions, I have been able to make more sales with fewer to no objections when closing, I am using the CRIC, and Joe's action closes, and they work so well, I can't believe it. I'm in my 3rd month, it's just the 10th, I have 10 out already, and I'm on track to double my best month. Thank you, Joe, for the great training and support!" Darnell Griffin, Salesperson, H & H Chry Dod Jeep of Omaha, Omaha, NebraskaFrom 20 a month to 65 with JVTN® and your Management Workshop.
"Our outlet location was doing 20 units when I took over a year ago. We saw the potential to improve and got JVTN® right away, and it got us to 40 and doubled our average. Then I went to your Management Workshop. I learned so much, and started working with my team more often and much better. I attended class December 12th and realized that if something's going to change, it's going to be up to me. One area we covered in class was tracking, and I was doing it, but not tracking all of our lost opportunities, and realized I needed to turn those lost sales into more sales. I liked the simple process we covered on follow up with unsold to get them back in the store: '3 calls, 3 days, 3 reasons' and it worked. We finished December at 65 units, with great gross and are on track for our best January ever." Shawn Culnan, General Sales Manager, Romeo Auto Outlet, Queensbury, New YorkI sold 18 my first month, after taking the first course in Joe's Online training (JVTN®)
"I have sold other products, but never cars - and when I was hired, my manager told me to use Joe Verde's Training and only Joe's training. I did, and my first month I took the Fast Start course, followed the steps exactly as I was taught and by the end of the month, I had sold 18 cars … just by following the steps Joe laid out for me. The greeting, questions, demo, and then closing and handling objections made complete sense, and have really helped me with every customer. Joe's training makes it so easy to sell cars and make more money. Thank you, Joe!" Adam Rogers, Salesperson, Metter Ford, Metter, GAFrom 14 to 30 in just 7 months with Joe's training.
"I have been at this dealership for 7 months. My first 2 months were training with Joe Verde Online Training (JVTN®). I used all the books and materials, as well and also attended Joe's sales workshop. My sales are up 33% this month alone, just from the workshop I attended. The biggest thing I have been implementing is the pre-sale Service Walk…this has been a game changer for getting commitments to buy, and it has worked like a charm!!! I started here in January 2024 selling 14, February I sold 14, March - 18, April - 18, May - 20, June - I've sold 25 so far, and I'm on track for 30 units this month! Thank you, Joe! Your online training, workshop and all of your training materials have helped me reach sales numbers I didn't know were possible!!!" Brenton Smith, Salesperson, Northtown Mazda, Clay, Amherst, NYI made $10,000 my first month, and have increased it every month since!
"Joe - thanks for the best career change ever. If I had known what I know now, I would have made the switch 14 years ago. I started selling cars 4 months ago, and now I have a 20.16 current average. And I'm more than halfway to my first 6 figure year. I am #1 in gross profit and tied for the top spot in units. We have JVTN® and I have been training on it nearly every day. I love the energy, excitement and enthusiasm your trainers exude on every chapter and course. It's the perfect start to my day - to believe I am going to sell a car today and every day! And I love the fact that your 8 step sales process works all the time. It's so simple - just follow your process and then get the check! I still remember the first time I used your Sold Line Close; I made $2,300 on that deal, and have been a believer ever since. No one leaves without 'parking it in the sold line'. I am having more fun than ever, and I love coming to work. I love my customers, and they love working with me!" Justin Checkelsky, Salesperson, Serpentini Chevrolet of Medina, OHI had my best month ever with JVTN®!
"I've been in sales for 5 months, and in December '23, I sold 8 which was my best month. After training on JVTN® and with the coaching, I sold 13 in January '24, for my new best month ever, and I'm a lot more comfortable now. The coaching with Joe Jr. and your other coaches helped me practice each part of the sale from the greeting, rapport, questions, closing and learning to handle objections. I wanted to do better, I just didn't know how. Thank you, Joe!" Naghy Valizadeh, Salesperson, Gorrud's Auto, Milton, ONFrom 7 to 15 with JVTN®!
"We started on JVTN® with group training, multiple times per week. We took the online training together, practiced together, and took the quiz together led by my managers. This has had such a dramatic effect on our dealership as a whole, and to myself as well. Before starting the training, I was selling 4, then 7, then 7. After we trained, the next month I sold 15 and doubled my sales!!! I just completed the 'Handling Price' course, and have been training daily on my own. I caught on real quick that the more chapters I took and practiced - the better I was getting. I really focused on your 8 step sales process, and following it with every customer, every time, and it worked. I look forward to continuing to train daily, and to keep moving my average up and up. Thanks, Joe!" Joseph Hughes, Salesperson, Blaise Alexander Buick GMC, Hazleton Township, PAWith your "Fast Start for RVs" course on JVTN® we sold 10 more units at the RV show than last year with great gross!
"We started on JVTN® at the beginning of January to prepare our team for the big spring RV show. We did group training 3 days a week, and completed your course, 'Fast Start for RV Sales', and my team became much more confident when they're working with our customers. We learned to ask more and better questions, focus less on price, build more value, and we learned how to keep the sale on track from the beginning to the delivery. We sold 20 last year, and just wrapped up our RV show this year, and after your training online we sold 32 units with 'great gross'! Thanks for a great online course that teaches a strong and effective process that anyone can recognize, duplicate and master to sell more units. We love our customers, and they love us - and as we all know, happy customers pay the most." Alexis Skaggs, General Manager, Skaggs RV, Corbin, KYI sold 7 cars in the last 5 days of the month.
"Joe, I've been in sales 3 years, and can't thank my dealership enough for getting us on JVTN® and sending me to your Sales Workshop. We just started on JVTN® and have been doing group training following your Training Action Plan. We finished the 'Fast Start' course first, and were working on practicing our questions, the greeting, and bypassing price and my confidence had never been higher - until I went through your Sales Workshop. The workshop was the icing on an already super deluxe cake. Being with a Joe Verde trainer for two days really brought everything together for me, and I came back super energized. The workshop was over on the 23rd, and I sold 7 more after the workshop, including a hat trick on Saturday! Now I really understand they are all buyers, and they're here to buy from me, right now!" Charlotte Pangelinan, Salesperson, Blaise Alexander Buick GMC, Hazleton Township, PAFrom 12 to 20 after JVTN® and your workshop!
"I was so lucky to get access to JVTN® and had finished the 'Fast Start' and 'How To Sell More Cars' and then I went to your Sales Workshop, all within the last 3 months. I sold 11 in December, and then the class was at the end of January, and I sold 12. Then in February, I was able to implement what we learned and had my best month ever at 20 units, and I almost doubled my gross! We do group training 3 times a week led by our management team. We practice and get better with every meeting. And I love having JVTN, because I can train daily from almost from anywhere. The workshop really brought everything together for me and my favorite part was the 'How to Follow Up', which is really how to stay connected with my customers using your 45/90 process. After the workshop, I built myself an evidence manual and drafted an 'E-newsletter' to my current customer base and orphan owners, and I backed that up with a call, as well. As you can see, it worked ... 20 sold with great gross! Thanks, Joe!" Michelle Kishbaugh, Salesperson, Blaise Alexander Buick GMC, Hazleton Township, PAIn one month I made 1/3 of my income from all last year!
"My first full month on the sales floor... I sold 21 units, was top salesperson, and in one month I made 1/3 of what I had earned my previous full Year! I was so lucky to start selling cars at Serpentini Chevrolet who started me off my first day working here with your great training. The first course I started on was your Fast Start To Selling More cars and I just kept going. I trained daily, I watched the chapters, took great notes and took the chapters again that I needed to. I finished the Core 4 in one month, practiced what I learned and kept practicing as the words started flowing smoother. Like you said, the more I practiced the better I got and it was such great information and now I have a bulletproof plan for success. Biggest takeaway for me and should be for anyone else in sales is to remember that...'They are all buyers!' Thanks Joe!" Jack Vignos, Salesperson, Serpentini Chevrolet Buick of Orrville, OHI made $17,355 in July, and was #1 in sales.
"Our store started the Joe Verde Online Training in May, 2023, and after a couple of months of really diving into your training, I had the best month I have ever had. I killed it! I made $17,355 - and was #1 for sales for July, by 4.5 units over #2. I really got into your Fast Start to Selling Cars course, and started asking the right questions using the 'either / or' questions you taught, to hone in and land the customer on the right vehicle - and I had my best month in the car business. I am so happy with your training, and the great support I receive from the coaching and role play with your team. Thank you, Joe!!! I know I've only scratched the surface of your training and will have many more great months to come!" Marc Nolden, Salesperson, Lou Sobh Kia of Brunswick, Brunswick, GAOur best day ever and our gross is up 30%!
"Yesterday we sold 8 vehicles which was our best day ever, and our gross is up 30%. Afterwards, every salesperson told me 'thank goodness we have Joe Verde Online Sales Training, or we wouldn't have made those deals'. Training with your support team regularly helps, and the more we access JVTN®, train and learn, the better we'll be. I've heard from other dealerships around my direct selling area that they are having a tough time with sales. With Joe's training at our store, we aren't seeing that. Thank you for the training and the great support we receive from your team." Bob Venus, General Sales Manager, King George Nissan, Surrey, BCWhat I have noticed working with Joe Verde's Online Training...
"...It's helping us to slow down the process, take control, and find the vehicle which best suits the client's needs, while building a customer for life. The more we do it, the more second nature it becomes. In Joe's 8 step sales process, it makes total sense to do a service walk early on, during the wander around phase. If they like you, they will buy from you. If they like multiple people at your dealership, it increases the odds of them not only buying the vehicle, but buying their future services from you as well. Manufacturers want you to sell the car with their steps. But it isn't as easy, or cohesive to comprehend, as Joe's. Joe Verde's steps are laid out in simple form, for anyone to improve their sales. There is so much to learn, with so many good ideas, and in my 32 plus years in the car business, Joe Verde's program is the best training I have received. I think of it as Verde University, and I have only uncovered the tip of the iceberg, because there is so much more to come!" Elizabeth Larson, Sales Manager, Belleville Volkswagen, Belleville, WAI more than doubled my sales in just 3 months with JVTN®.
"I have been in sales for 8 years and recently switched dealerships. We have a great management team at Durrett, and having access to JVTN® online is awesome. Since I started here, I have been training on JVTN® daily. With the sales courses, I finally have a process that I can follow. I've been able to duplicate the process and I'm focused on mastering those 8 steps. Your process has really put it all together for me and I'm watching Sean daily, not skipping steps and practicing every day. The biggest things that really helped me were bypassing price and asking more and better questions to create more value. I also started tracking everything: Opportunities, Demos, Write Ups and Sold units. It is amazing how you can use the information in those four numbers to really control your sales. My first month I sold 9, then 15 and then 23, and my next goal is to move my current average to 25. Thanks, Joe, for great training and the great support from your team." Ashley Nery, Salesperson, Durrett Motor Company, Houston, TXWhat a 20-car guy did to get to 32!
"Joe, I have been so lucky that our store made the investment in JVTN®, your online training and sent us to your live workshops. We train daily on JVTN® - we watch it together, practice it together and develop our skills together. I've been selling cars 2 years, and I went from a 20 average to 32.6 a month! My best month is 37. Prior to starting your training, I was in a bit of a 20-car rut. 20 is not a bad rut, but still a rut. Your 8-step sales process has been the key to unlocking my true potential. I come to-work-to-work every day just like you say, and I believe they are all buyers. I roll out the red carpet and give them VIP treatment, and I sell way more cars now. I really love all the statistics that you cover, especially '71% buy because they like you'. So true. I find that to sell more, you have to slow the sales process down, build way more value than you think you need and master the questions, especially the 'yes' questions. We continue to train and continue to grow daily, and there is no limit on how many units I can sell and how much I can make. I love it that way!" Ameer Ibrahim, Salesperson, Medina Auto Mall, Medina, OHI was earning $25,000, now I'm at $120,000!
"I went from working at a grocery store and going to college making $25K to $30K to making $120,000 my first full year in car sales. When I got into the car business, I started out in the BDC, and transitioned to sales a year and a half ago. I have been training on JVTN® since day one, and was a solid 13-15 car guy. Then something just 'clicked' in early summer of 2022, with my training. I got my attitude straight and believed they were all buyers and started working on Joe's 8 step sales process, from start to finish, and really focused in on the closing sequence and handling objections. The 71% statistic that 'people buy from people they like' began to be very clear, as I looked back at my customers. The happiest customers do truly pay you the most, so let's make them all happy. I just had my best month of 23 units, which was 128% of my objective from my dealership. My current 90-day average is 19.3 and my goal for this year is to get to $200,000. As I continue to train daily and practice-practice-practice, I know I will hit my goal. Thanks, Joe!" Addison Winch, Salesperson, Romeo Toyota of Glens Falls, NYWith JVTN® we hit 154 units and $960k last month with 9 salespeople averaging 17 each!
"When everyone else out there was riding the wave of easy sales, we were constantly practicing to improve our skills. Shane and I needed a process that works and a team committed to the process, and we made a 100% commitment to the Joe Verde training, because it always works when you are committed to it. We believed it so strongly, that I went to my dealer and said we need this training program and if you won't supply it, I will. And that's exactly that attitude and determination all dealers are looking for, and our dealer got it for us. We made it work by following Joe's Action Plan 100%, and it was foolproof. We held daily training using the leaders guides and workbooks and took the courses the way Joe recommends. We focused on Joe's 8 step sales process, practiced, and practiced each of the steps; and we take every step, every time, with every customer. Even when we make a sale and a salesperson misses a step, we still focus on that step and the importance of not missing it or any others the next time. We know that the better we get, the more deliveries we'll have, and the more we'll make on each one. We also used JVTN® to train our BDC department, which was only doing about 10 or less every month. After they learned Joe's incoming call script as well as his bypassing techniques on pricing to set more appointments that show, now we're doing over 40 deals a month through the BDC. Joe said it, and we believe that the happiest customers pay you the most, so let's make them all happy. We just came off our best month last month with 154 units and $960K with just 9 salespeople averaging 17 units a month. Thanks for a great process, we are continuing to grow every week every month and every year. Thanks, Joe." Kenny Apaka, General Sales Manager, Prince Automotive of Albany, Albany, GAI've made over $500,000 in just 3 years!
"I have been at Fremont Riverton for 3 years. I started as a salesperson and was recently promoted to Manager, and before that I was rancher with no real sales experience. I started training on JVTN® my first day, and had 6 weeks of intensive skill development. We started with Joe's Fast Start for Salespeople and then the “Core 4 Selling” section. We practiced daily, and took the online courses like Joe says. We watched them together - discussed them together - practiced them together, then repeated as many times as we could. My first year, I really focused on Joe's 8 step sales process and learning the basics of what it takes to sell a car. We practiced a lot, and it paid off. I quickly realized that repeats and referrals pay you way more, and are easier to close, than walk-ins; so my second year, my biggest focus was on developing my own business. I started taking your 'Core 4 Business Development Series'. I started with Prospecting for new business, and began mastering Joe's Referral script and utilizing it everywhere. Next, I worked on Sold Customer retention and I really bought into the stats about our buyers, especially how to retain 75% of my customers, utilizing Joe's 45/90 day follow-up process. Then we focused on the rest of the training courses, and with 600 chapters to train on, we never ran out of new topics and new areas to get better at. My first year selling cars was great, and I made $92K. The next year, I more than doubled my sales and made $237K and sold 193 units. And last year I made $175K and I was salesperson the year for the first time. Thanks to Joe's program, my dealership, and my management team I have made over $500,000 in just 3 years, purchased my first home and many new vehicles and I have been able to expand my ranch. After I was promoted, I attended your Dealer Manager Workshop (Team Leadership) and those 2 days were jam packed with everything that no one ever tells you about being a manager. I am better prepared to transition into Management now, and to continue my training on the management side of JVTN® to become the leader I was meant to be, and to help others achieve more. Thanks, Joe!" Jack Applegate, Sales Manager, Fremont Motor Riverton, Riverton, WYWith JVTN®, I delivered 21.5 my 3rd month and earned over $10,000.
"Joe, I can't say enough about how your training on JVTN® and your team have helped me in my new career. Before selling cars, I was working at a fast food job. Using JVTN® to learn how to sell, I delivered 21.5 units my 3rd month selling cars, and made over $10,000, which is more this month than in 5 months at my last job. I'm following your directions and improving every month. I started taking 4 chapters on JVTN® every week, filled in every blank in the workbook as I went through each chapter, took the quizzes and did the homework. I did just as you said, 'take the courses and do the work - don't just watch videos'. I practiced with your support team, my coworkers and I practiced by myself. I learned your 8 step sales process and continually work at getting better in each step. Learning to ask the right questions has helped me a ton on the lot with closing, following up with customers and setting appointments that show. Dreams can come true, when you have the skills and habits you need to become a true car sales professional. Thanks, Joe." Eduardo Roman, Salesperson, Durrett Motor Company, Houston, TXJVTN® is the solution...
"Just like all things, you can only get out of something what you put into it, and having been a part of a dealership group that has embraced and championed JVTN®, Joe's online training system, for the past decade or so, I can tell you that there's no better tool for keeping your sales team focused on what's important in the sales process. The experience of the Joe Verde trainers combined with the energy and enthusiasm of their presentation makes for not only educational, but entertaining training, with excellent support materials, and it's perfect for keeping even the most easily distracted salesperson on topic. Making the JVTN® training modules a core part of our dealership's training regimen has truly allowed us to maximize each salesperson's skills and achieve the best results for our staff, our customers, and our bottom line. The Joe Verde tried-and-true methodology is easy to understand and has shortened the runway for our newer, greener salespeople, allowing us to spend time developing inexperienced recruits into OUR seasoned salespeople we can count on. All in all, JVTN® is the solution most dealerships don't even know they need." Adam Miller, Sales Manager, Heritage Automotive, S Burlington, VTFrom tour guide on a South African Safari to selling cars...
"I started selling cars in May 2021 and followed Joe's 8 step sales process 100% of the time and made $120,000 my first 7 months in the car business and I'm just shy of earning $200.000 this year and still have a couple more months to go with 190 units out so far. Since starting at the Dealership and training on JVTN® I haven't sold below 14 units. My best month in sales so far is 29 and my current average is 21. I keep my head in the game and stay motivated daily by both listening to JVTN® on my way to and from work while driving and watching JVTN® on my computer and participating in our group training meetings at the dealership. Joe's Sales Workshop is like Top Gun school and anyone who wants to get better will return the best! It will bring the rest of the team up as well when they return with newfound energy and excitement for all the potential in the car business. After the workshop I really bought into assuming the demo 100% of the time, too and Wow! It truly does work. They are there to drive and buy from me right now. I also have all my customers take a picture with their new car and keys with me. I tell them, 'I will be contacting you in a week to see what you have named your new car'. They love it!" Stefan Van Zyl, Salesperson, Romeo Toyota of Glens Falls, Lake Katrine, NYMy best month was 15.5, and I've passed $100,000.
"I was brand new to the car business and started with a great dealership that had Joe's online training. I would have been lost without it. We train and practice 3 times a week with JVTN®, and I've attended the sales workshop. Plus I'm watching the Weekend Game Plan videos every week to keep up on what's happening now. I also started using your Monthly Planner (MPG) to keep my pipeline full and make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Everything I've learned has made a difference in my sales... I'm much more focused on my communication skills now, and it's made a huge difference. I spend a lot more time to make my customers comfortable with 'me', to get that 71% working for me. And from all of these things, I'm way more confident now when asking for the order, too. Your 8 step sales process works - I just follow it, 100% of the time! My best month is 15.5, I'm averaging 12.5 now and I've already passed $100,000 this year with 2 more months to go." Matt Whalen, Salesperson, Ed Bozarth Chevrolet Buick, Grand Junction, COFrom $45,000 to $80,000 to $100,000!
"I started selling cars 3 years ago in the middle of the pandemic, at a great dealership that believed in the value of great training - and if it wasn't for your training, I would not have made it. From Day 1, I have trained daily on JVTN® learning your 8 Step Sales Process To Success! This is my 3rd year, and I'm still training daily - and as a group, two times every week to discuss and practice what we are learning. The practice in our meetings is so critical to skill development, because it gets the words coming out of your mouth again and again, to prepare you for the customer. Watching your training online every day keeps my head in the game, keeps me excited about the car business, and keeps reinforcing my belief that everyone came in to buy a car from me - right now! The main things I have been focusing on are to get people to feel comfortable and like me, and getting better at all the questions and when to use them to get more information, to handle price, and using those 'Action Closes' to close the sale. Those are the basis of everything you do as a salesperson. I made $45,000 my first year, $80,00 my second year. My best month has been 22, and my 3-month average is 17.5, and I'm on track to hit over $100K this year. Train Daily, Build The Value, Train Daily! If I just keep doing that, I will continue to grow! Thanks Joe!" Ryan Layton, Salesperson, Romeo Kia of Kingston, Kingston, NYThanks to your training, we're closing more deals to happier customers every day!
"After your 2-day management workshop (Team Leadership) we immediately implemented your 90 day tracking to find everyone's current averages. And now every manager is involved in the group training and one on ones so everyone is on the same page doing the same thing, the same way, every time. Our managers are leading the group sales training with your online training (JVTN®) on Mondays and Fridays. We memorized those percentages about our customers because the more my team believes they are all buyers, the stronger they'll be as salespeople. Your questions have become the basis of everything we do to work smarter, not harder. Asking the right questions allows us to give the customer a "world class presentation and Demonstration" and build the value in ourselves, the product, and our dealership. They've gotten those 45 (value) yesses in 45 minutes and their confidence is incredible now. They know they have a car deal when they bring it to my office, and so do I. Thanks to your training we are closing more deals and earning more happier customers every day! Thanks Joe for such an amazing workshop and your sales training online." Will Jetton, Sales Manager, Jones Motor Company, Savannah, TNI doubled my sales after your workshop and JVTN®!
"Thanks for an incredible sales workshop. Just having a Joe Verde trainer in front of me for 2 solid days made me appreciate even more the commitment my dealership has made to training and growing our dealership and me personally. The workshop really affirmed to me that I was doing the right things, the right way, and I just needed to improve what I was doing. Joe, my number 1 takeaway from class was just 'Go to Work to Work' and have a plan every day - and your 8 step process was the key to my new plan. When I came back, I realized how lucky I was to have JVTN® at our dealership, so I can keep reviewing and learning even more. We watch 4 chapters a week every week and I've been getting better every day. Before your workshop, I was averaging about 8 a month. With the workshop and JVTN®, I've doubled my sales and have been top salesperson the last 2 months. And I have made more money in the past couple of months, than in my prior year in the car business. Thank you, Joe, for a great eye-opening workshop!" Addison Hall, Salesperson, Goldy CDJR, Huntington, West VirginiaYour training was exactly what I needed.
"I've been so lucky to be at a great dealership. Learning your 8 steps gave me a plan and a process for every customer, and I made $40K my first year. My 2nd year I made $61K, 3rd $89K, 4th $116K, and I finished last year at $147K, and I'm on track for over $180K. I was able to purchase my first home in a couple years ago and am in the process of getting another. The car business is the best business on the planet if you have a great dealership, great leadership, and Joe's training to get you there." Dylan Puroll, Salesperson, Fremont Toyota, Lander, WYWe were up $3 million in total Bike sales for 2021 over 2020!
"Joe, it's been a full year now on JVTN® and the results speak for themselves. We were up $3 million in total Bike sales for 2021 over 2020, and our customers love us. Last month was the first time we were #2 in the California region for new Ducati sales - with 3 other Ducati dealerships within 25 miles of us. We have watched an additional 3,000 chapters on JVTN® this year, and daily training is the norm. When I say 'we', I mean the whole dealership - managers included. Of the 3000 chapters watched, 1/3 of them were by me and my management team. It never made sense why so many managers would say 'go do your training', and not even know what their salespeople were training on. I am the leader and the coach of my team, so I have to know all the plays - and more important, the positions and strengths of my players, so I can lead them to a victory every single day. JVTN® is the tool that binds our team together, and has created a culture of teamwork like I have never seen before. Your 8 step sales process is, as you say, 'not an option' and is followed 100% of the time, with every guest. We took our service walk to the next level by making a small investment remodel to really highlight this dept, and it has paid off tremendously. Looking forward to another record year of working smarter not harder! Thanks, Joe." Randy Felice, Motorcycle Sales Manager, A&S BMW Motorcycles, Roseville, CA$26K to $139K to $176K and now $200K because of Joe Verde!
"Before Joe's training I was a 4 to 8 car guy, struggling to provide for my family. I was working 50+ hours per week and only making $22-26K per year. Because of your workshops, online JVTN® training and monthly planner, I'm now consistently one of the top two guys at my dealership. Last year I went from $139K to $176K! I'm on the road to $200K this year! I owe a lot to the team at Joe Verde. Thank you!" John Williams, Assistant Manager, Serpentini Chevrolet Buick of Orrville, Orrville, OHI had a 50% increase in units, and I tripled my gross after your workshop.
"I have been in sales about 10 months at a great dealership, and I have a significant role model, my father, who oversees training for the Lindsay group. I started out on JVTN® which got me on the right track, and then when I attended your Closing and Negotiation Workshop ... it connected all the dots and I sold four cars in the next 2 days. Now I understand why you suggest the combination of online and workshop sales training. That's exactly what I needed. I was selling about 8 a month, and I was getting mostly minis. I got people to like me, trust me, and buy from me, but the gross just wasn't there. Now I'm completely confident in presenting full sticker or even sticker plus. One of the biggest changes I made after your training, was refocusing the customer to budget. And then when I understood your negotiation process, now I'm averaging $3,500-$4,000 down per deal, where before the workshop, I was lucky to get $1,000. Joe - thanks for an incredible workshop. I was on track to make $50K for the year and now I'm on track to hit $100K my very first year in sales!" Jason Jones, Salesperson, Lindsay Chevrolet of Front Royal, Front Royal, VAAfter your training, my best month was 60 units.
"In 2017, I was fresh out the Army as a captain and didn't know anything about the car business, but I was willing to learn. The one thing the army taught me was to have a plan, and a process to follow and be willing to do the work and make it happen. I was lucky to start at a great dealership that had great leadership and supplied ongoing training. I started at once on JVTN® as the culture of the dealership was 'no exceptions'. We did group training and we also watched at least 5 chapters a week on our own. We practiced as a group and we practiced on our own. I loved the competition and energy in the dealership and it was what drove me onwards to enormous success! The more I practiced the better and smoother I became and my deals got easier, my customers loved me, and everyone always left feeling like an old friend. Joe, your program made so much sense to me, follow the process, master the process, and get the big check! As I continued doing the training, I realized I had followed a remarkably similar path to the car business that you had taken. My first year in sales I made $90K, my second year, I made $150K and this year I am on track to make over $300K during a Pandemic. My best month was last June. I sold 60 units. My current average right now is 43. I was top in my region, my zone, and my district. All the new hires are now assigned to shadow me for their first 3 months. I consider that a great honor as my dealer sees and believes I exemplify what he is looking for in his employees. Joe, I have been successful due to your program and my dedication to constantly improve myself using the tools my dealership has provided. I was able to realize my dream and I bought my first home in 2019 and am so excited for what the future holds. Thanks for opening my eyes to a future that I couldn't have really imagined, as I transitioned from the army to the best business on the planet!" Mohammed Al Faoiuri, Salesperson, Northtown Mazda, Amherst, NYFrom 4 a month to 21 after your sales workshop.
"In 2008 I was brand and selling 4 cars a month - trying to figure it out. Then I attended your 3 day sales workshop a couple months later. Your 8-step process was crystal clear in what I needed to do with every customer, and in my first full month after your class I sold 21 units. That workshop and your training was exactly what a salesperson needs, a blueprint for success in the car business. Your class gave me the keys to my success and I knew I could continue to develop the skills I learned there. I've since been promoted and attended your Team Leadership workshop. We also have JVTN® and I love it because it's available 24/7. I can pull up a training Chapter and work with my team on any given area, at any time and I can target training to their individual needs during our 1 on 1s. Even more important, I know that no matter what Chapter they train on, they'll receive a solid, consistent message of exactly what I have been telling them. We have everyone working the same process now, and our deals are getting easier, the gross is getting higher, and our customers are much happier. Thanks Joe!" Dan Bernardo, Sales Manager, Grant Miller Motors, Vegreville, ABFrom $70K to $180K with Joe's training!
"I've been in the car business 8 years. Lucky for me, I've been at a great dealership that provides great training with JVTN® as well as your workshops. I've attended 5 of your workshops so far, and am getting ready to go to my 6th. They are just awesome, and I learn more at each one! Being an engineer before getting in the car business, it was critical to have a blueprint for success. I learned early on that your 8-step sales process was that key in sales. I also realized it's easy to stray and get away from it, but knowing it's there is like the guardrails we all need to stay on track. I've completed just about everything on JVTN® and am getting ready to start back at the beginning again. As you often say, repetition is the mother of learning. I have gone from earning $70K my first year, continually getting better and hitting my first $100K in just 3 years. In 2021, I hit $180K. Now I'm also holding your training using JVTN® at the dealership. Your process unites us all, and keeps us all on the same page, and moving in the same direction. Thanks Joe!" Jon Krabbe, Sales & JVTN® Trainer, Ed Bozarth Chevrolet Buick, Grand Junction, COI more than doubled my units & tripled my gross with Joe's training!
"When I first started selling cars, my manager told me to just go talk to people and that I'd get the hang of it. I didn't, so a year later I reached out to The Joe Verde Group and I started with Joe's book 'How to Sell a Car Today'. I didn't just read his book, I did the work that came with it, including practicing his scripts, and I really started to understand my job. Higher sales and higher gross came with those skills and understanding, along with a better sense of being connected to my customers long term, to create lasting relationships. I knew the value of getting more of Joe's training, and took it upon myself and made my own personal investment in JVTN® to further my career. I have consistently continued to grow with the help of The Joe Verde Group. My initial goal was to sell 20 cars a month and earn $10,000 in net income. After reaching it, that goal is just a distant past milestone. I just had my best month ever of 29 units and tripled my gross. My current average is now 22.6 units per month, and I'm looking forward to seeing how much further I can go. Thank you, Joe!" Alexander McGrew, Salesperson, Fort Wayne Toyota Lexus, Fort Wayne, Indiana$900 per car improvement on gross.
"We launched JVTN® in June, and have been increasingly getting better every month since. We're doing group training 5x a week - all managers are involved and take turns leading the team sessions. We're taking the chapters, discussing the chapters, and then practicing and drilling the scripts daily. My team has a solid process to build upon (Joe's New Basics) and we are committed as a team to the process and continually moving forward. As managers we were taught and were always asking the guys at the desk, 'Where do they want to be at?' NO MORE! We have adopted your process of bypassing price on every deal and our gross per car has increased steadily.• June, we increased it by $200 per car.
• July, we added another $400 per car.
• August added another $300 per car. ($900 total improvement).
We are on track to more than double it vs. last year's same month this month. When you can start more deals at sticker, build more value than before and have a budget focused negotiation, everyone wins. Our customers and employees are happier and our sales team is more excited, they are having more fun and we are all making more money. Joe, thanks for showing us how to thrive even during a pandemic!" Nolan Fisher, GSM, Lithia Chrysler Jeep Dodge, Billings, MT